Saturday, December 29, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007
I have a loved one that is 'bound up' with those chains of dissatisfaction that Satan so craftily ensnares so many with. It makes me angry, that now - at this time of the year - when we should be free to do nothing but think on the birth of our Savior, to celebrate that wonderful day, to think about what it must have been like: angels in the sky, shepherds in awe, a young mom holding a tiny little baby, a baby SHE knew was a very special baby...... Instead I see so many (including my loved one) becoming more and more depressed, convinced that life 'sucks', blinded by discontentment because of a 'perception' of lack of that #1 IDOL in our world today, yes MONEY. Money, things, 'toys', spending. I hate it! I hate seeing all those tv commercials that imply that everyone is having so much fun, spending a bunch of money, buying this, buying that..... a surpise car here, a beautiful diamond there. And all it does is (1) make a person feel guilty because they, once again, have 'fallen short' of society's expectation, or (2) they buy into the lie and charge up credit cards, buying things they can't afford.
Over 2,000 years ago the Jewish people were longing for their Messiah to come and 'rescue them'.
Today, in 2007, on Christmas eve, Jesus, I long for You to come back. We know You ARE coming back. We just don't know when. But I am waiting, Lord. Waiting.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Part of my testimony is that the Lord gives me 'songs'. They just come into my head and I write them down. It's strange because I don't play the guitar that good, and I don't sing that good. But the Lord gives them to me.
He gave me a song for Angel this morning, and I sang it to her this afternoon. I think she liked it. (She fell asleep.) Here it is:
An Angel came to us this Christmas
What a blessed surprise!
After years of waiting, praying, crying
Here she is! Right before our eyes!
CHORUS: Angel, do you know how much we love you?
and that God has chosen this time, this place,
this family for you?
And we praise Him Our God above
Who sent us such a bundle of love.
So every year at Christmas
when we're singing about angels on high
We remember how God sent us an Angel
who brings us so much joy!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Angel Marie became Missy and Pat's daughter on December 21, 2007. Read all about it at: http://www.quittemlife.blogspot.com/

What a great Christmas present!

Angels are singing on high about the birth of Jesus! And I'm singing about the birth of our Angel! Thank you Jesus, most of all for your Birth and what that meant for mankind, and second for this precious blessing and what she means for our family.

Sunday, November 18, 2007
The highlight of my day was when I was beginning to massage a lady's hands - she grabbed MY hands, and started praying over me. The Spirit was leading her to pray very personal encouragments into my life. It was SO AWESOME!
Thank you Jesus, oh how we need to hear from You in our crazy, busy lives! We know it's not YOU that's not talking, but US that's not 'listening'. Help us, Jesus, help us to slow down and quiet down.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sioux Falls Day Spa
Today we sold just 3 tickets and I was pretty discouraged. However, I just prayed that God would stir the hearts of the women that needed to be there.
I don't understand what it's like to be a mom to little ones. But I do understand our crazy world and how we have so much going on. I also understand that God desires for us to come before Him, to give Him our life and the Day Spa for Women helps women to feel renewed and refreshed and have some quiet time that's so needed.
Pray for us as we prepare for the Day Spa and pray for the women that should be there.
Monday, October 15, 2007
If you've heard my testimony, you know that the Lord gives me 'songs'. One of the first songs I received was one day when I was listening to the Michael W. Smith instrumental CD 'Freedom'. The words just came into my head..... it was a song of God's love, and how His love was meant for me. It was a song that told of a sovereign God who loves each one of us so very personally.
With all the rain we've received the last couple of days, I've been thinking of another of Michael W. Smith's songs: 'Healing Rain'. Some of the lyrics go:
Healing rain is coming down, It's coming nearer to this old town. Rich and poor, weak and strong, It's bringing mercy, it won't be long! Healing rain is coming down, It's coming closer to the lost and found. Tears of joy, and tears of shame, are washed forever in Jesus' name.
I pray for more and more of Our Savior's healing rain. I saw some of it on Saturday, with the tears that were shed. I know the Lord wants to nurture us, water us, cleanse us with His healing rain.
Let the rain come, Lord!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
On Saturday Missy and I facilitated a Day Spa at Linwood Wesleyan Church in Sioux Falls. It humbles me beyond words when I get to see the Lord still walking among us today, in 2007. He wants to talk to us, guide us, convict us, comfort us and much more, if we would just stop long enough to listen. Satan's greatest victory in our world today is the lifestyle we have boughten into - that we have to always be 'doing something'. Have we forgotten what Jesus said to Martha?: "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."Luke 10:41-24
On Saturday, 20 ladies chose to be 'Marys' for the day. They chose to forget about the distractions of their worlds and come and sit at Jesus' feet for the day. As the day progressed, we heard story after story of how one received validation in one area, confirmation in another, comfort in another. The Lord seemed to speak to different ladies in different ways: One would be especially moved at a particular prayer station, another would 'hear' from the Lord through the foot/hand massage, others through the Word spoken in a message and/or the music.
Thank you, Jesus! We love You!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
And thank YOU for checking us out! The 'Day Spa for Women' has been a work in progress..... it started over a year ago, when Missy told me about an idea she had. Her step-daughter had put on a 'tea party' for her Youth Group girlfriends. Missy thought it would be a good idea to have a 'pampering', 'spa-type' event for a Women's retreat. She felt the Lord calling her to minister to busy, tired, overwhelmed, frustrated women of this new milleneum. At the time, the Lord had been putting prayer on my heart, and I had organized several 'prayer days' at my Church. The Lord was slowly forming an idea, and I would put together what I call 'prayer stations'. Basically prayer stations are tables with objects that prompt you to 'dig deep' and that correlate with God's word in the Bible. It's hard to explain - you really have to experience it! Anyway, what has come together is a day that is amazing! We begin with Worship. Then there is testimony. Revelation 12:11 says we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony! God always seems to prompt us to share personal experiences that always end up being relevant to those attending. God is so cool how He does that! Missy is very talented in drama, and she usually does a short skit or drama. It's very powerful.
The most powerful part of the day, in my opinion, is the prayer stations and the Foot Washing and foot/hand massage. There are 3 of us that wash feet, and then massage feet and hands. Of course we use sweet-smelling soaps and lotions. But it is the 'aroma of Christ' that lingers, as the Holy Spirit leads us in prayer. It is truly so powerful, so healing, so nurturing.
We take a lunch break, and are treated to a special lunch. Then after lunch, we have more worship, more testimony and another 90 minutes of prayer stations and foot/hand massage.
Missy and I feel truly blessed that the Lord is allowing us to be His servants in this area. My daughter (and Missy's sister) Danelle, hopes to join us in one of the upcoming Spa's.
I hope to get to meet you at one of our upcoming Day Spa's! God bless you.